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Last couple of days I was making new feedarms and multifeed rail for 1.2m Channel Master. Now it is ready for tests in real life. I do not think it will be tuning problems as each LNB can be adjusted in any possible direction.
To my small collection of Channel Master antennas I have added 75cm antenna. Still working on the Az/El mount for it and also feedarms and LNB-holder need to be made.
Matériel de réception : Channel Master 180 cm en cours Channel Master IBU 1.20 m motorisée 66°E-45°W Ku-Ka Gibertini OP150 S Titanium C1W-PLL SkyDsl AStra2connect OctagonSF4008 TBS5925 - TBS6983
I am sorry, all my pictures from this thread are gone. That happened because I uploaded them somewhere and inserted just links here.
Anyway, show must go on
There is a simplified version of the multifeed system for SMW-OA-1600. It is too cold to install and adjust LNBs, but when weather permits I will do some work.