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Re: NS3

Posté : ven. 01 janv. 2016, 23:51
par Feedman
I'm near Milan.

Re: NS3

Posté : sam. 02 janv. 2016, 18:40
par mattmatt73
Feedman a écrit :I'm near Milan.
Scusami per il mio italiano,sii il benvenuto sul forum.

il NS3 é usato bene dai provider italiani allo scopo di risparmiare la larghezza di banda.

l'altro uso di NS3 è di rendere non possibile la ricezione senza appropriato ricevitore

il problema (o il vantaggio per i titolari dei diritti) é il prezzo del ricevitore, diverse migliaia di euro nel nuovo stato


Re: NS3

Posté : sam. 02 janv. 2016, 23:59
par Feedman
Oh, you speak many languages.... CONGRATULATION for your very good italian! Really! Yes I know about NS3.... the receiver is very expensive, too expensive! As I said, I just heard about usage of NS3 by italian broadcasters, but I don't know on which satellite. Possibly 5 or 8 West?
PS: This is a very good board for feedhunters and satellite technical information in general, and I will continue visiting and browsing here. Thanks.

Re: NS3

Posté : dim. 03 janv. 2016, 01:04
par mattmatt73
Feedman a écrit :Oh, you speak many languages.... CONGRATULATION for your very good italian! Really! Yes I know about NS3.... the receiver is very expensive, too expensive! As I said, I just heard about usage of NS3 by italian broadcasters, but I don't know on which satellite. Possibly 5 or 8 West?
PS: This is a very good board for feedhunters and satellite technical information in general, and I will continue visiting and browsing here. Thanks.
Grazie, ma non lo parlo con il livello che vorrei.
5° e 8° ovest non sono molto utilizzati da Italiani per la trasmissione occasionale

Gli italiani usano normalmente più il 12,5 ° ovest, e meno spesso, il 36 ° est

Ma gli italiani sono forti per la banda KA, dove é possibile di fare il dvb-s2 senza costi eccessivi

Re: NS3

Posté : sam. 23 janv. 2016, 11:46
par Feedsat
Finalement j'ai opté pour le modulateur, ASI iinput RF output (1000L band 45000 7/8)
Facile à mettre en oeuvre.


27.5°W 3848 L par exemple

sur Dektec

ou TBS



Un autre outil (hard & soft) devrait arriver prochainement pour exploiter l'ASI mais ce sera sensiblement pareil je pense.

Re: NS3

Posté : sam. 12 mars 2016, 15:00
par Feedsat
à 27.5°W, 3848.5 à basculé en 32APSK avant un prochain changement...


mais 3850.5 est verouillable en 16APSK
(NS2000 + 4T40 + TS Anlayser)


Re: NS3

Posté : sam. 19 mars 2016, 11:37
par Feedman
What about NS3 signals at 3 West? It seems EBU Hypermux is there, too. But this satellite is located in inclined orbit I believe. Any news? Thanks.

Re: NS3

Posté : sam. 19 mars 2016, 15:27
par tompouce
Hello Feedman,

ABS3 is not an inclined satellite as you think.. and about NS3 I can't answer correctly, Feedsat is the right tooled expert. :wink:

Have a nice afternoon,

Re: NS3

Posté : sam. 19 mars 2016, 16:22
par Feedsat
Feedman a écrit :What about NS3 signals at 3 West? It seems EBU Hypermux is there, too. But this satellite is located in inclined orbit I believe. Any news? Thanks.
Yes, there is an Hypermux @ 3°W, it was the first service available on this satellite in KU
(Same hypermux at 10°E, 55.5°W, sometimes @ 47.5°W, and 100.5°E for Asia, etc)

Unfortunately, most of the contributions are encrypted ,about 12 HD services per Mux.
Less interesting than what you can expect.

Re: NS3

Posté : sam. 19 mars 2016, 16:28
par Feedsat
Un petit exmple de NS3 : Champions League capturée recement.


Re: NS3

Posté : sam. 19 mars 2016, 16:41
par tompouce
Bonjour Feedsat,

Juste 2 questions :

1° Comment fais-tu pour trouver ces signaux en NS3 car il me semble qu'aucune carte pc ne permet de recevoir ces flux, les vois-tu sur ton analyseur de spectre??
Je viens de scanner avec la 5925 le 3°ouest et rien n'est trouvé, même manuellement.

2° ton exemple de Champions League, tu es locked mais bon, je suppose aussi que ce n'est pas en clair (crypté en biss, logiquement) ??

Merci, bonne fin d'après-midi

Re: NS3

Posté : sam. 19 mars 2016, 17:16
par Feedsat
Aucune chance avec une TBS.

Oui, codé, sauf un canal (mais ecran noir)

voici le contenu en ce moment


Re: NS3

Posté : sam. 19 mars 2016, 17:22
par tompouce
Ok merci Feedsat pour les infos, et encore bravo pour tes découvertes intéressantes :wink:

Re: NS3

Posté : sam. 19 mars 2016, 19:02
par Feedman
Thank you Feedsat for your reply. I know that specific demodulator is needed for that signal, but which dish size? At 10 East this signal seems not so strong.... Also, these Hypermuxes broadcast always the same services (one is perfect copy of the other)? Thanks.

Re: NS3

Posté : sam. 19 mars 2016, 19:31
par Tony45
Putain feedsat, comment, Comment, COMMENT ? XD :o =D>

Est ce que tu serais partant pour faire un petit teamviewer un jour ? Tu habites dans quel coin ? :wink: